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shower waterproofing

Shower Waterproofing – A Hidden Problem

Shower waterproofing issues are a building inspector’s nightmare.

Why shower waterproofing is important when buying or selling a home.

Australians buy and sell their homes more frequently than in most other countries, in a very real sense we are a nation on the move with Aussie families only staying in their home for about 8.5 years. Because a home is the most valuable investment many people make over their lifetime, it is common practice that a thorough inspection be carried out by qualified building inspectors before a new home is purchased.


The most common problems identified in building inspections

Recent surveys show that the most common defects found when these inspections are carried out are:

  1. Shower leaking moisture into surrounding walls.
    The most reported defects are shower waterproofing issues. One of the key indicators of leaks are if the paint, timber work or plaster around the shower or adjacent walls show evidence of damp, mould or water penetration. In these cases the probable cause is failed or failing shower waterproofing.
  2. Issues with structural integrity.
    Structural defects are often the result of poor workmanship or unsound building practices, but age, wear and tear also play a part. Inadequate maintenance can lead to a range of serious problems within the actual structure of a building. A slow leak in the bathroom due to poor shower waterproofing can cause structural damage in wall frames, joists and sub flooring. These issues regularly come to light during building inspections.
  3. Poor or inadequate ventilation.
    Insufficient ventilation in wet areas is often flagged as a concern when homes are inspected. Poor ventilation results in excessive moisture in wet areas such as bathrooms, en-suites and laundries. This inevitably results in the growth of unhealthy mould, mildew and can even cause wood rot.
  4. Insect infestation.
    Failed shower waterproofing, leaking showers and moisture in wet areas are a magnet for insects such as termites that are attracted to damp areas. Termites prefer moist, undisturbed places such as crawl spaces and wall cavities where timber has become moist due to a water penetration.
  5. Roof damage.
    Roof damage is also often identified during a building inspection. Cracked roof tiles, leaking flashing or poorly maintained gutters and downpipes are common problems.


What do these 5 common problems have in common?

The most common issues flagged by building inspectors have two things in common. Firstly, they are not easily identified by the homeowner as they often can’t be seen without close inspection; and secondly they all occur when not enough attention has been paid to routine maintenance.

How to avoid such problems

At The Shower Dr, we can help you avoid 4 out of 5 of the most common defects which worry homeowners. We can do so because 4 out of the top 5 problems are often due to failed shower waterproofing. Left too long, leaking showers will result in damage to the structural integrity of a home, mould and in the very worst cases even termite infestation. This is why we work hand in hand with building inspectors, plumbers, property managers and other building maintenance professionals to ensure that leaking showers are repaired as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

The Shower Dr’s Shower Service

A full Shower Dr Service restores the integrity of your shower recess and keeps the water where it should be – in the shower. If your shower waterproofing has failed, we’ll carry out all of the necessary repairs. We’ll replace any cracked, loose or damaged tiles, strip all of the grout, silicone and sealants from the shower recess.

After chemically cleaning your shower to ensure that all mould and mildew has been removed, we’ll completely regrout the base and walls with industry leading Mapei Kerapoxy and Ultracolor grouts. These epoxy and polymer grouts completely waterproof the shower recess so that the integrity of the shower is restored. In most cases we can do this all in a day, without removing tiles and with no fuss or inconvenience.

If you’re buying or selling

If you’re buying a home your building inspector will identify and issues and supply you with a report outlining their findings. If there is a shower waterproofing problem, call us and we’ll be happy to give you an obligation free quote and some professional advice about the options available to you. That way you’ll know exactly what any repair cost will be and won’t have any unpleasant surprises when you move into your new home. We can even arrange to have the repairs done before you move and you’ll have the pleasure of moving into a fully guaranteed, spotless, sealed bathroom.

If you’re selling, avoid any nasty shocks when a building inspection is carried out, let the Shower Dr get your bathroom ready for sale. We can identify any areas of concern and advise you on the best course of action so that you can be confident that your home will present at its best when you go to market. Bathrooms and kitchens are huge selling points with home buyers and The Shower Dr can have your bathroom sealed and gleaming in just a day.

Make buying and selling easy. Save time, inconvenience and thousands of dollars by calling The Shower Dr. We are QBCC registered builders and we fix shower waterproofing issues right – first time.

Shower waterproofing

If you have a problem with a shower, if you’re buying or selling a home, The Shower Dr offers a full range of options to make help you achieve your buy or sell with confidence.

Call us, we can usually repair your shower without removing tiles and reseal it effectively and permanently. We’re quick, neat, reliable, professional and we have more than 25 years experience is repairing showers just like yours.

The Shower Dr – We Repair, Restore and Rebuild showers all over South East Queensland – guaranteed.


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